Are Wall Mounted Electric Fireplaces Safe?

Many people stay undecided about mounted electric fireplaces because they’re worried about safety. The truth is, electric fireplaces are not only energy-efficient and visually appealing but one of the safest ways to heat your home too. 

The whole idea of an electric fireplace builds into the very fundamental consumer apprehension with regards to the dangerous combination of electricity and fire. The design of such a fireplace therefore puts fire safety and its possible hazards as top priority when working thru the make and model of the fireplace.

If you’re not quite convinced, let’s take a closer look at why wall mounted electric fireplaces are a safe choice.

Why an Electric Fireplace is a safe alternative?

Electric fireplaces work as great heating alternatives for those with allergies or sinus issues. There’s no forced air mechanism to blast dust and other allergen particles up through ancient ductwork or chimney places which may circulate throughout your home, so the quality of the air inside your home will be much better and your family will be breathing much cleaner air.

There are also no dangerous fumes or gas leaks to worry about with electric fireplaces. Because you’re just plugging an external unit into an electrical outlet in your home and switching it on, you will never have problems with gas fumes, burnt coal build-up, smoke, or escaping gas — all issues you might run into with a gas or traditional working fireplace.

To top it all off, electric fireplaces are simply the best heating alternatives available and reserve popular recognition as being the best choice for its value-for-money applicability in the section of items in its own category

Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace Safety Features

Safety is a key consideration during the electric fireplace manufacturing process. Here are some of the features you should know about and should carefully look into while procuring any such heating equipment for your home or interior space.

  • Protective Screens. Wall mounted electric fireplaces are made with safe interaction screens that remain cool to reduce the risk of burns, making them safe for both children and pets. This allows the user the advantage of direct contact with the flame section of the fireplace.
  • Fake Flames. Electric fireplaces are designed to produce real-life fire effects minus the soot and fumes. These fireplaces produce realistic flames but they’re not hot, not much hotter than a hairdryer anyway - this is thanks to the internal heating element.
  • Minimal Contact. The heating element directs the radiance of the flame in a scattered pattern whereby minimizing localization of heat which may in-effect damage any internal part of the fireplace.
  • Timers. If you’re worried about your fireplace overheating, you can make use of the built-in timer that many wall mounted electric fireplaces have. These timers will switch the fireplace off after 30 minutes to 9 hours. This time duration is based to allow one complete sleep-cycle which means any audience may complete a restful nap in-front of the warming fireplace.
  • Emergency Shut-Off Switches. Lastly, most electric fireplaces are fitted with an emergency shut-off switch which reduces fire risks due to overheating. This also caters to possible electric malfunction problems which may arise from any kind of short-circuiting in the equipment.

For a more detailed explanation of how electric fireplaces work, click here.

What hazards to expect from an electric fireplace

The point of an electric fireplace is not only to provide warmth but also to brighten a room with the effects of an artificial collection of various flames.

Most commonly the singular issue you’ll come across with your electric fireplace is that perhaps it doesn’t heat adequately warm enough. However, this can easily be avoided by using the wall mounted electric fireplace as a supplemental rather than as a main heating source.

What makes a fireplace a worthy option

The flames as part of the electric fireplace themselves aren’t actually hot – in reality they're a projection included to make the fire seem more vivid and provide am aesthetically comforting feel. The only place that gets significantly warm or hot is the element itself or the air near the heat output. This heat then rises to circulate within the space of the room which ultimately seeks to provide a degree of gentle warmth.

In the event that you run into a rare issue with your electric fireplace, simply unplug it and have it inspected by a skilled professional

Bonus Electric Fireplace Safety Tips

Some general fire safety tips include the following which can guarantee you safe usage of any electric or thermal equipment. If you are still concerned about safety, there are some additional tips you can use for additional peace of mind.

  • Ensure that all the vents are open and free from blockages. This ensures ongoing fresh air intake. 
  • Use a digital tool to maneuver around the controls of the electric fireplace
  • Keep any combustible materials away from the fireplace, including curtains, bedding, wood, paper, and furniture. 
  • If there are any signs of physical damage, contact a technician about repairs before you use the fireplace again. It’s also best to routinely check your fireplace for damage, including the cords.
  • Speak to your children about electric fireplace safety and put some rules in place. 
  • Keep drinks and any other fluids away from the fireplace.
  • Attach any cords to the edges of the wall to prevent tripping.
  • Switch your wall mounted electric fireplace off if you experience any strange smells. 
  • Get a professional to install your electric fireplace who understands the various nuances of safety in fire equipment
  • Make sure that the elevation or position of the intended equipment is such that it is does not cross paths with any exit points of water or combustible material.

The above mentioned fire safety tips generally work for preventing any fire-related incidents as part of the fire prevention and safety management protocols of various kinds.

You should now have a better understanding of the safety features of most electric fireplaces and why they’re a sound way to warm your home. If you want to start shopping, here is a list

of our top-rated electric fireplaces. 

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